In-house Oxford TRIZ Training & Workshops

Fast and practical Oxford TRIZ workshops - in your own workplace or training centre

Contact us to discuss how we can deliver our world renowned TRIZ training to your organisation's needs

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In-house Training
& Workshops Overview


2 - 4 Days



Your on-site training suite, or in a large enough quiet room, or off-site at a location of your choice 



Approximately £6000 a day depending on numbers

Number of delegates

8 -16 

Contact us for a quote and to discuss your requirements


Oxford TRIZ fast paced and enjoyable in-house workshops create an opportunity for team building and confidential knowledge sharing. All our training (and the follow-on problem-solving facilitation) can be offered on-site, or in a venue of your choice. This ensures that your technical and management teams can learn together with the minimum disruption and learn from relevant examples from your industry’s challenges.   

Delivered by Oxford TRIZ experts in energetic, interactive workshops for 8-16 delegates, our in-house training is always responsive to the needs of your whole group. 

Level 1 

  • Technical TRIZ
  • Business Innovation Tools

Level 1 workshops are four fast-paced days, enabling TRIZ novices to build confidence to apply and practise the logical TRIZ problem solving processes. This ensures they can ‘hit the ground running’ and immediately tackle their own issues. Our ‘training bootcamps’ are often described by delegates as the most useful and enjoyable ever experienced. The workshops also help develop a culture of innovation and encourage team building and knowledge sharing.

Level 2

  • Advanced Innovative Problem Solving
  • Patent & IP Development

After Level 1 TRIZ training, the next step is Level 2 (which builds confidence and competence in Systematic Problem Solving, plus a further option of Patent & IP Development with Oxford TRIZ).

Level 3

  • Oxford TRIZ Facilitator training

To undertake Level 3, we work with you so you can run both learning and problem solving workshops.  This is always a custom built programme, tailored for you and your organisation.  This is normally undertaken by talented TRIZ enthusiasts who wish to facilitate and guide others to use the power of the TRIZ.  Working alongside our Oxford TRIZ experts (through co-facilitation) you build confidence and experience to be able to teach and guide your in-house teams so they can tackle and resolve tough problems together.

Benefits of Oxford TRIZ In-house Training 

We teach Oxford TRIZ to build your busy teams’ practical problem-solving skills to ensure break-through results regularly and on demand. Oxford TRIZ enhances and completes all other techniques as it offers solution triggers, (far beyond brain-storming ) to systematically locate pragmatic answers / concepts . This unique aspect of reaching solutions with TRIZ makes it suitable for everyone. It adds to the skills of those who are experts in management methods (like green or black belts) and is invaluable to delegates without any previous exposure to other toolkits.

How does it work?

Our many collaborative, step by step exercises, on pre-printed A0 work sheets (or editable pdf’s for online sessions) were carefully developed with major blue-chip customers. Your people work together in groups of 3-4 which helps embed all learning and ensures equal participation of all learning types. Lively interaction while working together on problem examples ensures that your teams:

  • Learn how to solve problems fast 
  • Embed a culture of innovation
  • Easily adapt to changing circumstances in your organisation and the wider world
  • Learn and feel confident about how to apply each TRIZ tool
  • Participate together while both completing exercises & in expert led feedback
  • Achieve high mental concentration, through the fast pace, and the many and frequent opportunities for learning by ‘doing rather than listening’
  • Get to know, respect and (mostly) like each other as they share knowledge, experiences, & ideas
  • Protect & extend your IP territory and learn how to leap-frog competitors' advancements 
  • Remember and enjoy the examples, with many challenging opportunities to solve real problems
  • Learn practical hands-on processes at every stage, to help feel confident retain all learning
  • Apply and hone their TRIZ skills and learn systematic, step by step problem solving processes.

In-house Online Training

In-house online training, with many interactive exercises, is also available to meet the specific needs and timescale of your business. We recommend 2 separate hour sessions each day for a minimum of 5 days.

Opportunities are available for those who cannot attend, to join our frequent public online or in-person workshops, which covers the same material.

Why work with Oxford Creativity?

Oxford Creativity deliver all the TRIZ elements you need:

  • We are 100% specialists, we only do Oxford TRIZ
  • Materials which work for training and problem solving using the Oxford TRIZ toolkits that deliver fast results
  • Oxford TRIZ Experts who are excellent trainers with solid experience of working with individuals, teams, large and small organisations
  • A great track record in making Oxford TRIZ work in small, medium and large companies


Oxford TRIZ Team Workshops

Using Oxford TRIZ tools in our Team Workshops helps you learn to problem solve systematically, develop new products, create and protect IP, share knowledge and ideas, communicate better, become more innovative, and much more.

Choose from: 

  • Problem Solving Facilitation - Solve your Tough Problems Fast: Our TRIZ experts work with your teams to ensure they resolve their difficult challenges. Oxford TRIZ illuminates the real problems and offers clear routes to solutions.
  • Technical TRIZ with Problem Solving - Finding solutions to complex problems:
    Designed specifically for engineers, scientists and technical community, this 4-day workshop is the perfect springboard to get up and running with Oxford TRIZ quickly and effectively. 
  • Patent & IP Development - Structured Innovation: TRIZ  is based upon patent analysis. This fast-paced team workshop explains how to use TRIZ to circumvent and strengthen Patents & build Intellectual Property. It provides your team with the essential Oxford TRIZ tools and processes to innovate and derive greater value from intellectual property.
  • Business Innovation Tools -  How to stimulate 'brain boost' for your team with Oxford TRIZ: In this fast-paced team workshop with our TRIZ Experts, we guarantee to stimulate innovative and creative thinking within your team. We teach you the Oxford TRIZ tools most relevant to your team  - and help them learn how to use them specifically for solving  business and organisational problems.
  • Knowledge Sharing – Understand, Record, Celebrate and Share: Our Knowledge Sharing workshop is designed to capture one key person’s experience and expertise. Essential for sharing skills when a team member is leaving, retiring or changing roles, ensuring there are no gaps in the handover. 
  • Storytelling for Engineers – Improve your team's communication skills
    This engaging workshop has been developed to teach Engineers how to communicate better when presenting or writing by harnessing the power of storytelling. 
  • Innovation Tools & Culture Developing Innovation & Creativity: Oxford TRIZ stimulates innovative behaviours and works for everyone – individuals, teams, departments and whole organisations.


In addition to the above Team Workshops, we can also work with your teams on these topics. Get in touch to discuss more:

  • Plot Trajectory from Past into Future – intelligently predict next generation products & services 
  • Frame the Real Problem – Move from ‘problem mess’ to problem list. Map context & constraints.
  • Pragmatic Tools for Sustainability – Intelligently mobilise brain power & available resources for real savings of goods, time, money & energy.
  • Cost savings - TRIZ simple rules to solve problems/improve systems by making them simpler, better and cheaper
  • Root Causes of Problems – Locate, map, resolve and remove the real problem triggers
  • Entrepreneurial Players & Teams - Invent, develop & adapt to meet real market demands

Oxford TRIZ Taster – bespoke, interactive, relevant workshops to build TRIZ awareness & appreciation in your organisation to a wider population. Available in a range of events from companywide webinars (1-2 hours) to half or one day interactive training for larger groups of up to 50 people - details and prices on request.


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Register your interest here and we will contact you to discuss your requirements