There are many things that are probably better in-person rather than online....
Many of our customers are using TRIZ to examine the contradictions between home and office working and online and face-to-face workshops. They each have very different benefits and TRIZ helps us understand why we need both. Despite the time and cost savings of online, applying TRIZ Trimming simply and logically, reminds us not to lose the big benefits of being in the same room together. Hybrid working can give us the best of all worlds. Online working TRIMs out wasted time and expense of travel and helps many achieve that elusive ‘work life balance’, but it still lacks the important elements of in-person interaction. TRIZ separation principles guide us to ask precisely WHERE and WHEN we need to be face-to-face, and also under what conditions online working is better, and reminds us that we need and can have both. I hope that in 2023 you find your right balance between face-to-face and online, and that makes you both happier and more effective in every way.
Our New Year Resolution is to increase our TRIZ and Sustainability work in response to the climate crisis. We hope to remind everyone that TRIZ tools help you reduce your harm to the environment and that structured innovation works better than anything else, especially with concern that organisations are ‘green washing’ rather than taking effective action.
Remember one of the greatest powers of TRIZ is its ability to help you think clearly and cleverly. Make your New Year’s Resolution to try TRIZ every day for every problem you face… so that when you need it for new problems, or if you have seemingly impossible demands/unresolvable challenges, or even an uncertain future, then your well-honed TRIZ skills will help you find the best ways forward. We hope we will work with you in 2023 to find your best solutions to even your most intractable problems and that you enjoy the festive holiday with both online and face-to-face fun with friends and family.
All the Oxford TRIZ team wish you a Happy Christmas and Prosperous and TRIZZY New Year!
Karen, Kate, Dave, Andrew, Neil, Ron, Liz, Alastair, Elena and Clive (our cartoonist)