UK Ambulance Service: Fighting against 'cut price' rivals

How a TeamTRIZ workshop ensured this Ambulance Service sold their BID on benefits not price

 Download the case study here  

Ambulance v Taxi-1

Questions Answered 

  • What were the outcomes of this one-day Workshop?
  • Which TRIZ tools stimulated the putting together of a successful BID?
  • How does a TeamTRIZ workshop help harness input from a wide spectrum of participants?

What can you learn from this case study?

  • How the TeamTRIZ Workshop stimulated this group to work together as a team which included senior management, paramedics and ambulance drivers, plus those tasked with winning the new contract from the government
  • What the 9 Boxes are and how they work to bring clarity to problem solving
  • How the TRIZ tools ‘Ideal Outcome’ and ‘Thinking in Time and Scale’ and Ideality were used to uncover benefits and bring clarity to the BID process

How will this benefit you? 

  • Writing BIDS is expensive and time consuming. The aim is to get it right, declare clearly all the benefits you deliver etc. to ensure that the price you quote is justified. TeamTRIZ workshops help you do this
  • The power of Oxford TRIZ tools in planning BIDS can be harnessed in a very short time-frame
  • TeamTRIZ workshops can help you understand not only the problems you face and but the benefits you offer. They don’t just focus on solutions

Download the Case Study Here