Oxford TRIZ Blog

Genius Muscle Memory - the Greatest Gift from TRIZ

Written by Karen Gadd | 4 Feb 2025

When you become TRIZ competent are your new, good, brain powering habits like a TRIZ field effect or more like a TRIZ process? To me the answer is both - the TRIZ directed power of our talent and experience, makes a field effect of our cleverness, while our practice and frequent TRIZ application becomes an instinctive process. AND It builds us muscle memory for genius instincts. If you follow the evidence revealed by academic / industrial research you can see how consistently any regular TRIZ use enhances creative thinking and problem-solving abilities and confidence.  

Critically TRIZ genius thinking enables us to see things differently and clearly. Like all good solutions this has its downsides – and one is a loss of tolerance of useless business techniques and directives. Much Time and effort is wasted producing and presenting smart presentations whose slick design often hides absence of logic and useable content. How many ‘clever' processes illustrated with complex diagrams get disastrously adopted because they look right, despite their failure to deliver anything.

This feels equivalent to one unfortunate trend among young women who present their faces to look good on camera (instagram etc.) rather than real life. Huge slug like eyebrows and very fake lashes look laughable in person, but apparently enhance their Instagram image - where it looks right.


So when TRIZ has prevented you being taken in by the ‘Emperors new clothes’ and you are becoming intolerant of long winded management speak, and complicated processes which need lots of concentration and brainpower to decipher their simplistic messages which deliver little – then apply TRIZ Principle 13. Do it the other way round and deliver short, powerful TRIZ sessions for your teams, which are easy to understand but deliver powerful ways of understanding and tackling challenges.